Thursday, March 8, 2007

Back From The Break

Depression has set in after returning from Florida. I miss it. Plain and simple.I didn't have to worry about anything, which is a very nice change. I've learned to appreciate and understand the concept of "vacation" after being in college for a little while. I had absolutely on worries while I was in Florida (well the only one was that I was afraid that I would sleep in too late and miss the good sunlight). I managed to work in some good quality tanning hours under the sun. Enough to get rid of the nerdy pale skin that I've managed to acquire while being couped up in my dorm. I actually wound up buying some tanning lotion (that included absolutely zero sun block). The lotion was basically butter in a spray bottle. I felt like a thanksgiving turkey roasting in the oven while I was laying out on the beach. But I guess it worked out though, cause I am a shade darker, at least dark enough to last until the summer.

The trip was a blast. Way too much fun, I can't even remember everything. Hunts Oyster Bar I think was the highlight of the trip. They seriously put something in those oysters. I don't even know how to describe it. Zack's dad was acting like he was drunk or something, asking the waitress's if they had ever been to Savannah (hahah, I'm laughing my butt of just typing this). And then there was Conger and his huge Shrimp that meow at you. God, I had so much fun there. Oh and Tan Fannies gentlemen's club across the street, what a perfect name for a strip club on the beach right?

I'll probably remember a lot more that I want to write about later, but I'm tired right now, so I'm going to bed.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Awesome-ness of Spring Break

Okay, this is what spring break is all about. Laying by the pool on a sunny day with your friends and just chillin the whole day. Not worrying about anything is about the best feeling in the world. There's nothing like it, especially being on break from college. I'm definitely not going to want to go back to school. The best part about the whole thing is that our break is just starting. Today is really the first day of our break. There's 300 at midnight on Friday. That movie is going to be amazing by the way. If you haven't read the comic, I highly suggest it. Frank Millar injects an overdosed amount of badassery into the story of the battle of Thermopylie. Just by the previews you can tell the movie is going to be just as good if not better than the comic book. I can't wait for the movie.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Spring Break

Spring Break is finally here. Needless to say I have been waiting awhile for a long break like this. I'm actually in Florida right now, sitting on a couch in an extremely nice hotel room (at least its the nicest hotel room I've ever stayed in). I feel kinda lame though that I am on vacation in such a nice place, and I am on my computer writing about it. Kinda nerdy if you ask me, but what the hey. Anyway, I got the beach for tomorrow, which hopefully will be awesome (going to the beach is really the only thing that I wanted to accomplish over the break, and here I am!). Alright, oh, and I'm am currently learning all the ins and outs of Dreamweaver and hope start designing my website soon.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Justice League of America Movie Announced

I cannot believe that this movie is actually going to be made. Seriously, I can't express how excited I was to hear that it was really being made. And then to hear that Brandon Routh and Christian Bale would be playing their respective characters in the movie, that just put it over the top for me. It's going to be AMAZING!!

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